Issue 15 - Apr 17 - May 11 2019

Treasury balance: 610,803 DCR (approx +15,593 DCR/month) - $17.5 million (+$448k/month) based on $28.70 DCR price
New proposals
A Journey to the Future of Work- Telling the DCR story through Politeia
Published May 6 by jer979 - 11 comments (+11)
This proposal requests 100 DCR to write an article about Politeia and have it featured in a Tier 1 media outlet. The article would describe the process of submitting a Politeia proposal from the perspective of the proposal submitter. It proposes a two-part payment structure with 40 DCR to be paid for writing the article and a further 60 DCR if placement in a top tier media outlet is secured.
Comments are mostly critical of the proposal, arguing that the Treasury should not pay for such writeups lest a spate of similar proposals be submitted, and expressing scepticism about the value of this kind of paid for single article. Other comments request clarification on how tier 1 media outlet is defined, @jer979 suggests allowing the community to decide if the particular placement secured is good enough to warrant the extra payment and @s_ben points out that this would not be supported by current functionality. There is further discussion about a way to pay out some proportion of the 60 DCR based on a pre-defined metric such as traffic to @jer979 authorized the start of voting within the first few days after the proposal was published, but after this was criticized by @degeri they rescinded the authorization.
Proposals currently open for voting
Decentralize Treasury Spending
Voting started on May 6 - 40 comments (+11)
Latest voting figures: 8,502 Yes votes, 230 No votes (97.4% Yes) - voter participation of 21.4%, support from 21% of tickets.
New comments dig further into the detail of how the proposed mechanism will work, with answers from @moo31337.
Recap: This proposal describes a way to decentralize control of Treasury spending by subjecting each month’s outgoings to a stakeholder approval vote. Each month, Politeia’s operators would process invoices from contractors to prepare a draft Treasury transaction for that month. Stakeholders would then vote on chain to approve or reject this transaction. The proposal observes that, were the voting for these transactions to occur off chain, as with other Politeia proposals, the operators of the Politeia platform could manipulate the vote outcomes by not counting some of the votes - and therefore the decision was made to conduct the voting on Treasury spends on chain.
Approved Proposals
Fiat Pairs integration on EXMO Exchange
Voting finished Apr 26 - 25 comments (+8)
5,608 Yes votes, 3,392 No votes (62.3% Yes) - voter participation of 21.6%, support from 14% of tickets.
Recap: This proposal requests $23,800 for the integration of DCR with BTC and fiat pairs (DCR/RUB, DCR/UAH) on the EXMO exchange. The requested budget would cover the integration of DCR, ongoing subsequent maintenance, promotional collaborations and a series of jointly organized meetups in Eastern Europe.
Amendment to Decred Constitution - 001
Voting finished May 6 - 7 comments (+2)
12,008 Yes votes, 102 No votes (99.2% Yes) - voter participation of 29.7%, support from 29% of tickets.
Recap: An amendment to the Decred constitution is proposed which updates the document to remove outdated sections (e.g. Decred Assembly and Councils) and add information about aspects which are new since the constitution was written originally (e.g. Politeia). The proposal also seeks to define the constitution’s purpose (a document which describes the social contract between users and the project but which is secondary to the network’s consensus rules) and establish the method through which it can be amended in future (a successful Politeia proposal).
Other News
The Contractor Management System (also using Politeia) is now being used by contractors to submit their invoices for April. This also serves as an extended test of the system, and a number of issues are being identified and addressed. The invoice form has columns for the domain, subdomain and proposal id (where relevant), this information is being gathered for each line item and will in future allow for spending breakdowns to be automatically generated.
There will be an update to the proposals site deployed when voting for the Decentralize Treasury Spending proposal concludes.
From Apr 17 until May 11 there were:
- 1 new proposals submitted, 3 proposals started voting, 2 proposals finished voting.
- Proposals that have finished voting have an average (mean) turnout of 25.7%, with a total of 21,110 ticket votes being cast.
- 34 comments on Politeia proposals from 17 different users (public keys).
- 69 up/down votes on comments from 18 different voting users (public keys).
About this issue
Content for this edition was authored by @richardred with contributions from @bee.
Also available on medium.
Proposals which have been active since the last issue of Politeia Digest was released.