Issue 63 - June 26 - August 26 2023

Treasury balance: 870,787 DCR (approx +7,435 DCR/month) - $11.6 million (+$99K/month) based on $13.31 DCR price
New Proposals
Cryptopower: Golang Native Desktop & Mobile Wallet
Published Aug 10 by dreacot | last edited Aug 21 | 27 comments
This proposal requests a budget of $61,600 to resurrect the GoDCR codebase and replace its former function as a desktop and mobile DCR wallet, but in this case also add support for BTC and LTC to become a multi asset wallet. GoDCR and the mobile wallets dcrandroid and dcrios have been discontinued since they failed to secure development funding. Prior to the submission of the proposal a v1.0.0 release was put out with desktop apps for Linux, macOS and Windows, and an experimental Android APK build which is not yet stable. If this proposal is funded, Android and iOS versions of Cryptopower will be uploaded to the app stores and a range of new features will be developed including staking, voting, DCRDEX integration and coin control. The proposal includes a big table showing how Cryptopower compares to Decrediton, DCRDEX, Cake Wallet and the old mobile apps. The projected plan is for 28 weeks of full time equivalent work charged at $55/hr, with 10 weeks each projected for mobile enhancements and DCRDEX integration. The estimated delivery timeframe is 4-5 months. The proposal also includes a list of initiatives that didn’t make the cut for this initial proposal but may well appear in future iterations, depending on community feedback.
The comments on the proposal are all supportive, affirming the desire to have more working mobile-friendly wallets for Decred. One comment asks about ongoing maintenance of the wallet in a case where it fails to secure funding in future and @dreacot indicated that a smaller proposal would be submitted to cover maintenance costs and keep the wallet functional.
Published Aug 10 by conniej | 8 comments
This proposal requests $15,000 for the writing and publication of two articles about Decred over the span of a six month period during which the editors will be contactable. Odaily is a Chinese language crypto news site that claims 1.5 million unique monthly users. The content of the articles would be approved by a Decred representative, @Dominic, and metrics like number of pageviews would be shared after 2 weeks. The budget explicitly states that all $15,000 is for Odaily “content service budget” and @Dominic’s reviewing budget is $0, so it is not clear what Dominic is getting out of this arrangement.
The comments so far are asking questions about the nature of the content/relationship, and in some cases questioning the high price. One of the comments highlighted Odaily’s heavy promotion of Decred-Next, a fork which attempted to keep alive a version of the network which still paid miners 60% of rewards - and they promptly removed all of that content.
Published Aug 22 by joegruff | last edited Aug 23 | 1 comment
This proposal requests a budget of $80,000 to add Decred support to Cake Wallet, the work would be completed by approved Decred developers and there would be no charge from Cake Wallet to integrate the support in their releases. There is a relevant video where @tivra and @phoenixgreen discuss the prospects for the relationship with a Cake Wallet representative. Cake Wallet is a popular multi asset wallet with a built in exchange function, it was mobile only until Feb 2023 and since then has desktop versions for Linux and MacOS. The Decred integration would be using SPV mode to process blocks directly on the device so no privacy-compromising third party is required, and the team have expressed a willingness to support other advanced features in future.
Approved Proposals
Published Jun 13 by phoenixgreen | 49 comments (+6)
Final voting figures: 95% Yes votes, 47% turnout of eligible tickets.
Recap: This proposal follows on from the Decred Magazine proposal approved in 2022, rebranding Decred Magazine to Cypherpunk Times and making it a multi-chain publication. The budget requested is $44,000, which equates to $3,600/month - an increase on the $2,800/month from the last Decred Magazine proposal, to allow room for expansion to cover additional chains. The proposal includes criteria for the kind of chain which is within scope, the main one being that it must have at least 5 years of development of permissionless open source software. There are also rules about how much content can relate to a specific project, with an initial cap of 5 items per week. The proposed funding is for “maintenance of the publication, Decred related content, and other relevant content that enhances the Decred message”, with an eventual aim to have other projects fund and coordinate content about them, but with some “crossovers” whilst that is brought up to speed. The proposal pays contributors at $30/hour and has caps for the editor role (10 hours per week) and content submissions (4 for medium, 8 for long, 15 for technical articles). When most content is published it is given a marketing campaign, shared with the Magazine’s 100 newsletter subscribers and promoted to the 1,350 social media followers across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Published Jun 19 by utxostudio | 20 comments (+0)
Final voting figures: 75% Yes votes, 42% turnout of eligible tickets.
Recap: This proposal sought funding of $23,650 to produce twelve 90-second videos in twelve different languages. The proposal includes two links to example videos on Vimeo (password: dcr), these feature actors in ski-masks talking about Decred. The proposal does not include dissemination of this material, it would be produced and then made available to the Decred community to share or re-use. The budget would cover 4 shoot days, 5 editing days, 12 actors (for the different languages) and 11 translations - with the final 12 languages dependant on actor availability but definitely covering Mandarin, Hindi, Egyptian Arabic, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. The script for the videos would be shared with the Decred community before recording, and where possible translators would be recruited from within the Decred community.
Rejected Proposals
Promote DCRDEX through a new website
Published Jun 21 by tallamericano | last edited Jun 22 | 27 comments (+5)
Final voting figures: 30% Yes votes, 34% turnout of eligible tickets.
Recap: This proposal sought funding of $2,000 to build a new website with educational information about DCRDEX, about 10-20 pages documenting the features and benefits of DCRDEX, with tutorials. The proposal originally planned to host this website at but that was identified as a problem by several community members, and @tallamericano edited the proposal to make the domain undetermined. The main part of the budget is dedicated to web development ($1,600) for a “responsive and visually appealing website, implementation of necessary features, and integration of DCRDEX branding elements”. $300 is reserved for content creation to fill the site, including text graphics and illustrations, with the remaining $100 for domain and hosting costs. The proposal anticipates completing the website within 4 weeks, with a subsequent proposal to implement features such as dynamic information feeds from DCRDEX.
Proposal for Building Website and Promoting the Chinese Community
Published Jun 5 by cagedbird | last edited Jun 9 | 24 comments (+10)
Final voting figures: 28% Yes votes, 26% turnout of eligible tickets.
Recap: This proposal requested a budget of $2,400 (edited down from an initial $30,000) to establish and further develop the website, a Chinese language resource for learning about Decred. The proposal was initially pitched as a full time endeavour, but in response to community feedback it has been scaled back to part-time and the scope reduced, it no longer aims to translate the Decred docs and will instead focus on more contemporary content like wallet tutorials and article translations. The proposal indicates one item of content would be produced or translated per week, with additional time spent maintaining the website and growing the community.
About this issue
Content for this edition was authored by @richardred with review from @bee.
Image credit: @sænder