Issue 65 - September 27 - December 12 2023

Treasury balance: 874,704 DCR (approx +7,072 DCR/month) - $13.1 million (+$106K/month) based on $14.98 DCR price
New Proposals
Published Dec 8 by jholdstock | 3 comments
This proposal requests a budget of $105,000, split between $100,000 for bounty payments and $5,000 for administrative costs. In the last 18 months covered by the previous proposal there has been $415 paid out for bounties and operating costs of $1,750. The bug bounty program has been running for almost 5 years (since Jan 2019), and in that time 24 security vulnerabilities have been identified and fixed, and corresponding bounty payments worth $10,569 have been made to the people who found them.
There is up to $30,000 available for vulnerabilities considered critical using the OWASP Risk Rating Methodology, so the requested budget is ample to keep the program going even if the rate and severity of bug reporting increases significantly.
Published Dec 8 by phoenixgreen | 2 comments
This proposal requests a budget of $71,000 for the creation and dissemination of video content for 2024, it comes from the same team who have delivered the previous video content proposals. The requested budget is increasing to $5,920/month from $3,800/month, for 2023 the proposal billed a total of $39,847 ($3,321/month). Although the number of views and viewing time continued to grow steadily in 2023, growth in new subscribers is acknowledged as disappointing, with a net of just 27 new subscribers gained.
The proposal considers a number of possibilities for improving the growth in subscribers: coordinating with Vanguard group to promote the content, Twitter livestreams, additional Twitter spaces, promoted ads for featured content on Twitter and Youtube, incentivising influencers to participate in livestreams and try Decred software. The proposal is open for new contributors, current team members are @phoenixgreen, @exitus, @karamble and @tivra - @exitus was the proposal owner previously.
Approved Proposals
Published Sep 12 by joegruff | last edited Sep 13 | 6 comments
Final voting figures: 88% Yes votes, 59% turnout of eligible tickets.
Recap: This proposal requested a budget of $80,000 to add Decred support to Cake Wallet, the work would be completed by approved Decred developers and there would be no charge from Cake Wallet to integrate the support in their releases. There is a relevant video where @tivra and @phoenixgreen discuss the prospects for the relationship with a Cake Wallet representative. Cake Wallet is a popular multi asset wallet with a built in exchange function, it was mobile only until Feb 2023 and since then has desktop versions for Linux and MacOS. The Decred integration would be using SPV mode to process blocks directly on the device so no privacy-compromising third party is required, and the team have expressed a willingness to support other advanced features in future. The original version of the proposal failed to reach a quorum because of problems with the voting system caused by the activation of consensus rule changes. See previous issue for more details
Rejected Proposals
Published Sep 15 by lindseymmc | last edited Sep 28 | 51 comments (+24)
Final voting figures: 53% Yes votes, 55% turnout of eligible tickets.
Recap: This proposal requested $48,000 for another year of Public Relations provision at $4,000/month. @l1ndseymm has been providing these services to Decred for four years, and her last proposal was approved with 66% support at a budget of $48,000. The proposal originally requested $60,000 because @l1ndseymm’s team has been expanded to 5 to include “two crypto media relations experts and two support-level PRs” - the edit reduced the budget to the same as previous year and also introduced the new team members, likely in response to comments on the proposal. The transition from solo outfit to structured team is expected to bring increased efficiency and result in better number and quality of media placements.
Published Aug 10 by conniej | last edited Oct 16 | 12 comments
Final voting figures: 30% Yes votes, 28% turnout of eligible tickets.
The proposal’s dates were edited before authorizing the vote, as the proposal had been sitting inactive for some time the original time window was already well underway.
Recap: This proposal requests $15,000 for the writing and publication of two articles about Decred over the span of a six month period during which the editors will be contactable. Odaily is a Chinese language crypto news site that claims 1.5 million unique monthly users. The content of the articles would be approved by a Decred representative, @Dominic, and metrics like number of pageviews would be shared after 2 weeks.
About this issue
Content for this edition was authored by @richardred with review from @bee.
Image credit: @sænder