Pi Research

This project is about making use of the Politeia data repository to generate data-sets, statistics and visualizations which explore how Politeia is working and being used. Code and data are shared in the project repository, and the idea is that people can use this to check for themselves that the analysis as it is reported here is consistent with the timestamped public record of Politeia activity.

Starting with an understanding of how the data is stored, this project has produced code to process that data and a number of reports and visualizations which use it. Along the way the analyses have allowed a number of bugs with voting to be spotted and addressed promptly, and the data processing scripts have allowed aspects of Politeia Digest to be automated.

The following data-sets and statistics in the repository are updated fairly regularly:

For charts showing ticket voting over time check out dcrdata.

Proposal Participation and Approval


Market Maker proposal voting analysis

Analysis of how tickets voted on the 3 Market Maker proposals.

User data review 2019/07

A look at aggregated user activity data.

Do early votes influence proposal voting outcomes?

An initial exploration of temporal dynamics in ticket voting

Politeia Quorum Requirement Exploration

This piece considers how changing the way that the quorum requirement is defined for Politeia proposals would affect the outcomes of …

First look at Politeia comments and up/down votes

A first look at the data on Politeia comments and votes.